What is breast implant illness ?

breast implant illness rash

Is your implant making you sick? Explore the real stories of Breast implant illness.

Breast implant illness is a controversial topic in the medical community! Breast implant illness or BII is a term used to describe different symptoms that individuals experience after breast augmentation with implants.

The condition is not scientifically proven, but BII gained crucial attention due to the growing number of individuals reporting breast implant illness symptoms. The condition affects individuals with saline or silicone implants after the surgery or years later.

How to identify the signs and symptoms of breast implant illness? How to find an effective treatment? Keep reading the blog to know more!

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical cosmetic procedure that enhances the size, shape, and fullness of breasts. It is typically performed for aesthetic reasons, personal preferences, or to restore breast volume lost due to ageing, weight loss, and pregnancy.

Breast augmentation benefits

  • Enhance your body proportions to improve your overall appearance
  • Improve the shape and size of asymmetrical breasts
  • Restore your breast volume after breastfeeding, pregnancy or weight loss
  • Boost confidence and feel satisfied
  • Rebuild your breast after trauma or mastectomy.

What is a breast implant?

Breast implants are typically saline-filled or silicone gel inserts that are surgically inserted into the breast or underneath the chest muscles. They are available in different shapes and textures, including smooth surfaces, round shapes, teardrop shapes, and textured surfaces.

How common is Breast Implant illness?

Breast augmentation has a low risk of complications. The common complications are breast pain, changes in sensation, scar formation, and rupture. However, a few women experience a compilation of symptoms that is known as breast implant illness. Breast implant illness is not diagnosed as a medical condition. Studies and research continue to understand the potential causes and symptoms of breast illness.

Breast implant illness - Causes & Symptoms

Causes of breast implant illness

  • The exact cause of BII is unknown, but medical researchers suspect the following reasons,
  • Bacteria growth on implant surface causing infection
  • Reaction to the breast implants surgery
  • Autoimmune responses to the part of breast implants such as silicone

Breast implant illness symptoms

The signs and symptoms of breast implant illness vary from one person to another. The typical breast implant illness symptoms list include,

  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Rashes and skin problems, including breast implant illness rash
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Headaches and sleep disturbances
  • Dry eyes and dry mouth
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Brain fog

How to diagnose breast implant illness?

There aren’t any specific diagnostic tests to identify BII. Doctors will evaluate your symptoms and medical history and may rule out other conditions, such as Lyme disease and arthritis. 

Breast implant illness coincides with autoimmune diagnoses such as Scleroderma, Rheumatoid arthritis, and Lupus. Suppose you’re diagnosed with any of these conditions. In that case, you have to check with the doctor whether the symptoms are connected to breast implant illness rash or other BII-related issues.

Breast Implant Illness treatment

Breast implant illness treatment involves the surgical removal of implants. En bloc capsulectomy is a procedure to remove implants and the surrounding scar tissue. This complete removal surgery removes the breast implant and scar tissue separately.

The surgeon makes breast incisions around the nipple or area under the fold of your breast. They remove the implants and scar tissue surrounding the implants. Finally, they close the incisions with stitches or skin adhesives. 

After the removal of implants, most people experience improvements in their symptoms within one to three months, including relief from breast implant illness rash and other discomforts.

The controversies behind breast implant illness

While anecdotal evidence and advocacy from patient groups suggest a strong link between implants and systemic symptoms, scientific studies have not yet definitively confirmed this connection.

  1. FDA Stance: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration acknowledges that some individuals experience symptoms associated with BII. In recent years, the FDA has implemented stricter labelling requirements for breast implants, including a boxed warning about potential risks.
  2. Scientific Studies: Ongoing research aims to understand BII’s biological mechanisms better and identify potential biomarkers.

The Best Plastic Surgeons for BII - Consult Dr Faisal Salim

If you are considering breast implants or are experiencing unexplained symptoms after surgery, consulting with a knowledgeable plastic surgeon is crucial.

Dr Faisal Salim, a board-certified and highly skilled plastic surgeon in Dubai, determines the perfect breast augmentation for your aesthetic goals. He offers realistic expectations and creates a personalized plan to achieve your desired look without much complexity.

Whether it’s breast surgery or breast implant removal, Dr Faisal utilizes the latest technologies and ensures successful outcomes.

Dr Faisal: Redefining Excellence in Plastic Surgery in Dubai! Have Questions? Let’s Talk! Book Your Consultation Now


The common symptoms are chronic fatigue, brain fog, joint or muscle pain, swelling, rashes, sensitivity, and more. To determine if you have BII, keep track of your symptoms, including when they started, their severity, and their patterns. Moreover, make a personal evaluation of whether the symptoms are worsening after breast implant surgery. If you find the symptoms are worsening, consult your plastic surgeon immediately.

Breast implant illness rash is a skin condition individuals experience after breast implant surgery. While every person with BII may not develop a rash, it’s a notable symptom of breast implant illness.

Anyone who undergoes breast implant surgery is at risk of BII. However, according to research, people with a family history of autoimmune problems are at more risk of BII. There are a few other conditions, including migraines, allergies, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia.