Wide / Square Jaw

The wide / square jaw is a facial feature that is often seen as a sign of strength and masculinity. It is characterised by a broad and angular chin and a prominent jawline that extends outward from the face. The wide / square jaw is also known as a “masculine jaw” because it is typically associated with a strong, masculine appearance. This facial feature is often seen as a desirable trait in many cultures, particularly in the western world. It is often seen as a sign of strength, power, and dominance. The wide / square jaw can be an attractive feature on both men and women, and it can give a person a more chiseled and masculine appearance. This facial feature is also associated with a strong jawline that is both wide and angular.


Achieving a well-refreshed face is a common aesthetic goal for the majority of individuals seeking to enhance their overall appearance and boost self-confidence. A harmoniously sculpted facial contour not only contributes to a youthful and vibrant look but also reflects one’s inner vitality and health. 

Plastic surgery for wide/square jaws is becoming increasingly popular among those who wish to alter their facial features in order to achieve a more balanced or attractive look. Plastic surgery for a wide/square jaw typically involves procedures such as chin reshaping, jawline contouring, and jaw reduction. Chin reshaping is the most common procedure for this facial feature, as it involves reshaping the chin to reduce its width and angularity. This procedure can help to create a softer, more feminine look or an angled, more masculine look, depending on the patient’s desired outcome.

Jawline contouring is another popular option for those seeking to reduce the width of their jaw. This procedure involves making incisions along the jawline to reduce its width and create a more oval shape. Jawline contouring can also help to create amore balanced, symmetrical profile.

Finally, jaw reduction is another plastic surgery procedure that can be used to reduce the size of the jaw. This procedure involves removing excess fat and skin to reduce the size of the jaw, which can help to create a more feminine and balanced facial profile.

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