Breast Reduction

Several Tips to prepare for male breast reduction surgery

Tips to prepare for male breast reduction surgery

Male breast reduction Dubai – Expected recovery and results

Sometimes some men go through an imbalance between testosterone levels, leading to gland and tissue formation, causing unusually large breasts or abnormal swelling in the pectoral area. This condition is termed Gynecomastia, and in most of the affected males, this condition takes place just after puberty. This condition is also a considered side effect of excess alcohol consumption. But fortunately, this can be cured by surgery. Yes! You can get the best male breast reduction Dubai as this is a simple yet effective way to get rid of them. Let’s see what to expect while opting for the surgery, its recovery process, and results.

Recovery after Gynecomastia surgery

The type of surgery you will have is decided based on several factors like excess skin and your breast’s fatty and epithelial elements. Excess tissue may require open surgical mastectomy and skin resection, while minimal endoscopic gynecomastia surgery can resolve a minor problem. Your doctor will examine which type of surgery will be best for you to treat Gynecomastia in Dubai.

Right after the surgery is performed, you will be bandaged, and a compression garment will be given to you to lessen the swelling and support your chest to enhance healing. If your surgery is complex, you will also be given a surgical drain to remove the excess blood and fluid. The surgery usually has a short recovery period. You may feel soreness for a few days right after the surgery, but consumption of painkillers is sufficient to deal with it. You may also feel a loss of sensation in the part that has undergone surgery, but it will be restored over time. An average man with liposuction and minimal surgery can reportedly get back to work within a week.

Expected results after Gynecomastia surgery

 After the surgery, you can notice a change in the chest with improved shape and lean look, but the final results are visible three to six months after surgery. The surgery delivers permanent results if you keep yourself away from things that pose harm to your testosterone levels. Though they do not leave any visible scar on the chest, don’t worry; they will vanish over time if you see some. 


There is no fixed rate of recovery after the surgery because your recovery rate depends not only on the severity of the surgery but also on other factors like your healing power and how you follow the medications, precautions, and further instructions. The same goes for the results you expect. Surgery has made everything easy for people who struggle with social, mental, and emotional discomfort because of Gynecomastia. This is the best you can go with the men out there who are wrestling with the same.

When should you consider breast reduction surgery?