Male Breasts

Male breasts tissue is a condition that affects men of all ages and is often overlooked or misunderstood. It is characterised by the development of tissue in the chest area that resembles female breast tissue. This tissue can be present in varying degrees and may range from a small amount of fullness or puffiness to a more noticeable amount of tissue that resembles the shape of female breasts. While this condition can be embarrassing or uncomfortable for men, it is important to understand that it is not uncommon and is typically not a sign of a serious medical condition. With the proper medical care, male breast tissue can be managed and treated successfully.

small breasts

Male breast tissue is a condition that affects men of all ages and is often overlooked or misunderstood. It is characterised by the development of tissue in the chest area that resembles female breast tissue. This tissue can be present in varying degrees and may range from a small amount of fullness or puffiness to a more noticeable amount of tissue that resembles the shape of female breasts. While this condition can be embarrassing or uncomfortable for men, it is important to understand that it is not uncommon and is typically not a sign of a serious medical condition. With the proper medical care, male breast tissue can be managed and treated successfully.

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Reconstrcutive plastic surgeon - Dr Faisal Salim

Plastic surgery is a medical specialty that focuses on improving the aesthetic appearance of the body, and it has become increasingly popular among men over the past few decades. One common procedure that is often sought out by men is breast reduction also known as gynaecomastia in Dubai, or the removal of excess tissue from the chest area. This can be done to address a condition known as male breast tissue, which is characterised by the development of tissue in the chest area that resembles female breast tissue.

Male breast tissue is most commonly caused by an imbalance in hormones, such as increased levels of oestrogen. As a result, men can suffer from psychological and emotional distress due to the condition, as well as physical discomfort and embarrassment. Plastic surgery can be an effective treatment option for men with this condition, as it can reduce the amount of excess tissue and improve the overall appearance of the chest area.

The plastic surgery procedure for male breast tissue typically involves an incision in the chest area, which is then used to remove the excess tissue. This tissue can be sent for testing to determine the cause of the condition and to ensure that it is not the result of a serious medical condition. After the tissue is removed, the chest area is then reshaped and sutured back together. Depending on the extent of the procedure, it may require general anaesthesia and may take several hours to complete.

Recovery from the procedure can take several weeks, and patients are typically advised to wear an elastic compression garment to help reduce swelling and to promote healing. As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of complications, such as bleeding, infection, and scarring. However, the procedure is generally safe and effective, and patients may find that their psychological and emotional distress related to the condition is alleviated.

Overall, plastic surgery can be an effective treatment option for men with male breast tissue. It can reduce the amount of excess tissue and improve the overall appearance of the chest area, while also providing psychological and emotion al relief. As with any surgical procedure, it is important to discuss the risks and benefits with a qualified breast surgeon in Dubai before making a decision.

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