Breast Reduction

Important Questions To Consider While Deciding To Undergo Breast Reduction Surgery

Deciding To Undergo Breast Reduction Surgery

There will be many questions running in your head regarding whether or not you should proceed with the surgery. Instead of worrying about it, you might want to consult the expertise of a plastic surgeon who can help you sort out all of your doubts regarding the procedure. Therefore, if you’d like to find out if breast reduction surgery can resolve your issues or if it’s safe for you, make an appointment with the surgeon now. 

Here are some essential questions you should discuss with your plastic surgeon who specializes in breast reduction in Dubai.

Does Insurance Cover Breast Reduction?

In short: It all depends. It turns out that insurance companies are often strict and may even define the details of the procedure. Even if the insurance company gives pre-certification for the process, they determine how many grams of tissue the surgeon must remove for the surgery to be covered, which often may leave patients with far smaller breasts than they desire.

What Are The Risks Associated With Breast Reduction Surgery?

The main risks associated with breast reductions include hemorrhage (blood clot), decreased nipple sensation, and wound healing problems. In some instances, the blood supply to the nipple could be compromised, resulting in the loss of the nipple. There is also the possibility of having asymmetrical outcomes, and it is a critical issue and must be discussed with the Surgeon beforehand.

What Is The Breast Reduction Recovery Process?

The positive aspect is that breast reduction isn’t the most difficult postoperative procedure. Patients are advised to wear sports or a surgical bra in the following six weeks and avoid exercising (no heavy lifting weights, swimming, any physical activity).

Will This Surgery Leave Any Scars?

The place of the scar is dependent on the type of surgery performed. The surgeon will attempt as hard as possible to reduce the scars. The breast reduction surgery leaves marks, but the majority time, they disappear with time. The appearance of scars depends on the tone of your skin, healing characteristics, and the kind of incision you have chosen for your procedure. 

Can I Breastfeed After This Surgery?

There are differing opinions on this matter. However, most clinical research on current methods suggests that you might be capable of breastfeeding your child the same way a normal mother does. If you’re pregnant or have recently delivered, it’s best not to go through the reduction of your breasts immediately. In addition, if you’ve plans to become pregnant following the surgery to reduce breasts, it is recommended to seek your surgeon’s advice before making any decisions.

Final Words

It is essential to know what questions to ask to help you receive the correct answers to make an informed choice. As with all other surgical procedures, it requires careful examination of several important aspects that need specialist advice.